N.01: Understanding time units |
N.02: Reading a clock - analog and digital |
N.03: A.M. or P.M. |
N.04: Story problems around clocks |
N.05: Telling time to the hour |
N.06.01: Match clocks to the 1/2 hour - Assessment 1 |
N.06.02: Match time to the nearest 1/2 hour - Assessment 2 |
N.07.01: Reading a clock to the 1/2 hour - Assessment 1 |
N.07.02: Reading clock to the nearest 1/2 hour - Assessment 2 |
K.02: Review on A.M. and P.M. |
K.03: Reading time from a digital clock |
K.04: Reading analog clock to the nearest hour |
K.05: Review of time concepts |
K.06: Expressing time in words |
K.07: Match analog and digital time to nearest hour |
K.08: Reading time to nearest half hour using a digital clock |
K.09: Reading time to nearest half hour using an analog clock |
K.10: Matching analog and digital clock to nearest half hour |
K.11: Review of reading time to nearest half hour |
K.12: Reading time to nearest quarter hour using digital clock |
K.13: Reading time to nearest quarter hour using analog clock |
K.14: Matching the time for analog and digital clocks to nearest quarter hour |
K.15: Sequence of Events |
K.16: Review on reading clocks |
K.17: Elapsed time to nearest hour - Assessment 1 |
K.18: Elapsed time to nearest hour - Assessment 2 |
K.19: Elapsed time to nearest 30 minutes - Assessment 1 |
K.20: Elapsed time to nearest 30 minutes - Assessment 2 |
K.21: Review on elapsed time |
K.24: Converting time units |
K.25: Word problems on converting time units |
L.01: Reading time to nearest hour and half hour |
L.02: Reading time to nearest half hour and quarter hour |
L.03: Reading time to nearest 5 min using digital clock |
L.04: Reading time to nearest 5 min using analog clock |
L.05: Review on reading clock up to 5 minutes |
L.06: Exploring time to the nearest minute |
L.07: Read the clock and write time in word form |
L.08: Elapsed Time |
L.09: Word problems on time and elapsed time |
L.10: Review on elapsed Time |
L.11: Reading a calendar - Assessment 1 |
L.12: Reading a calendar - Assessment 2 |
L.14: Story problem: exploring calendar (Days) - Assessment 2 |
L.15: Review on reading calendar |
L.17: Story telling: Time in units |
L.18: Word problems for days (without calendar) |
L.19: Word problems for weeks (without calendar) |
L.20: Review on word problems and time units |
L.21: Scheduling - Assessment 1 |
L.23: Elapsed time |
L.24: Review on exploring time, schedule and time in units |
N.01: Convert time into seconds - Assessment 1 |
N.02: Convert time into seconds - Assessment 2 |
N.03: Convert time into minutes - Assessment 1 |
N.04: Convert time into minutes - Assessment 2 |
N.05: Convert time into hours and minutes - Assessment 1 |
N.06: Convert time into hours and minutes - Assessment 2 |
N.07: Review on hours, minutes and seconds |
N.08: Convert into 24-hour clock time |
N.09: Convert into 12-hour clock time |
N.10: Convert time into days |
N.11: Convert days into years, months, weeks and days |
N.12: Review on time conversion |
N.13: Addition and Subtraction of Time |
N.14: Find the time |
N.15: Find the duration of time |
N.17: Word problems on mixed time unit - Assessment 1 |
N.18: Word problems on mixed time unit - Assessment 2 |
N.19: Time patterns |
N.21: Reading train and bus schedule - Assessment 1 |
N.22: Reading train and bus schedule - Assessment 2 |
N.23: Reading train and bus schedule - Assessment 3 |
N.24: Reading train and bus schedule - Assessment 4 |
N.25: Review on reading train and bus schedule |
I.01: Reading a digital clock |
I.03: Reading analog clock - Assessment 1 |
I.04: Reading analog clock - Assessment 2 |
I.05: Match digital clock to analog clock - Assessment 1 |
I.06: Match digital clock to analog clock - Assessment 2 |
I.07: Match analog clock to digital clock - Assessment 1 |
I.08: Match analog clock to digital clock - Assessment 2 |
I.09: Concept of A.M. and P.M. |
I.10: Seasons |
H.01: Day/Night - Assessment 1 |
H.02: Day/Night - Assessment 2 |
H.03: Seasons - Assessment 1 |
H.04: Seasons - Assessment 2 |
H.05: Months of the year - Assessment 1 |
H.06: Months of the year - Assessment 2 |
H.07: Months of the year - Assessment 2 |
H.08: Days of the week - Assessment 1 |
H.09: Days of the week - Assessment 2 |
H.10: Days of the week - Assessment 3 |