Skills available for Virginia Fifth-grade language arts standards
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Virginia Curriculum Framework: Reading
- 5.5.4 The student will expand vocabulary when reading. a) Use context to clarify meaning of unfamiliar words and phrases. b) Use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words. c) Use knowledge of roots, affixes, synonyms, antonyms, and homophones. d) Identify an authors use of figurative language. e) Use dictionary, glossary, thesaurus, and other word-reference materials. f) Develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts. g) Study word meanings across content areas.
- 5.5.4.A apply knowledge of word structure and context clues to determine the meanings of unfamiliar words.
- use context as a clue to infer the correct meanings of unfamiliar words and phrases.
- use context and sentence structure to determine meanings and differentiate among multiple meanings of words.
- apply knowledge of roots, affixes (prefixes and suffixes), synonyms, antonyms, and homophones.
- begin to learn about Greek and Latin affixes.
- understand that often a word can be divided into root word, prefix, and suffix in order to determine its pronunciation.
- understand how a prefix changes the meaning of a root word.
- identify when an author uses language figuratively.
- use word references and context clues to determine which meaning is appropriate in a given situation.
- identify the word-reference materials, such as a dictionary, glossary, or thesaurus, that is most likely to contain the information needed.
- develop vocabulary by listening to and reading a variety of texts.
- study cross-curricular vocabulary.
- 5.5.5 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction, and poetry. a) Describe the relationship between text and previously read materials. b) Describe character development. c) Describe the development of plot and explain the resolution of conflict(s). d) Describe the characteristics of free verse, rhymed, and patterned poetry. e) Describe how an authors choice of vocabulary contributes to the authors style. f) Identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view. g) Identify main idea. h) Summarize supporting details from text. i) Draw conclusions and make inferences from text. j) Identify cause and effect relationships. k) Make, confirm, or revise predictions. l) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension. m) Read with fluency and accuracy.
- 5.5.5.A choose from a variety of comprehension strategies.
- 5.5.5.B read a variety of fictional texts, narrative nonfiction texts, and poetry.
- 5.5.5.C describe character and plot development.
- discuss the similarities and differences between a text and previously read materials (e.g., compare and contrast characters).
- understand that characters are developed by:
- what is directly stated in the text;
- their speech and actions; and
- what other characters in the story say or think about them.
- understand that some characters change during the story or poem and some characters stay the same.
- understand that the main character has a conflict that usually gets resolved.
- identify the conflict or problem of the plot.
- understand that plot is developed through a series of events.
- identify the events in sequence that lead to resolution of the conflict.
- discuss why an author might have used particular words and phrases.
- identify the characteristics of free verse (poetry with neither regular meter nor rhyme scheme), rhymed poetry, and patterned poetry.
- describe how an authors choice of vocabulary contributes to the authors style.
- identify and ask questions that clarify various points of view.
- identify main idea or theme.
- summarize supporting details from text.
- draw conclusions/make inferences from text.
- identify cause and effect relationships.
- make, confirm, or revise predictions.
- become aware of when they do not understand (e.g., by reflecting upon and articulating what exactly is causing difficulty).
- read familiar text with fluency, accuracy, and expression to support comprehension.
- recognize structural elements of poems (e.g., verse, rhythm) and drama (e.g., casts, dialogue).
- 5.5.6 The student will read and demonstrate comprehension of nonfiction texts. a) Use text organizers, such as type, headings, and graphics, to predict and categorize information in both print and digital texts. b) Use prior knowledge and build additional background knowledge as context for new learning. c) Skim materials to develop a general overview of content and to locate specific information. d) Identify the main idea of nonfiction texts. e) Summarize supporting details in nonfiction texts. f) Identify structural patterns found in nonfiction. g) Locate information to support opinions, predictions, and conclusions. h) Identify cause and effect relationships following transition words signaling the pattern. i) Differentiate between fact and opinion. j) Identify, compare, and contrast relationships. k) Identify new information gained from reading. l) Use reading strategies throughout the reading process to monitor comprehension. m) Read with fluency and accuracy.
- 5.5.6.A preview, pose questions, and make predictions before reading.
- 5.5.6.B understand how the organizational patterns make the information easier to comprehend.
- 5.5.6.C make connections between what they read in the selection and their prior knowledge.
- use text features, such as type styles (e.g., boldfaced, italics) and color, captions under pictures and graphics, and headings of sections and chapters, to predict and categorize information in both print and digital texts.
- apply prior knowledge to make predictions and build additional background knowledge as context for learning.
- skim material from print and digital texts to develop a general overview or to locate specific information.
- determine the main idea of a text and summarize supporting key details.
- identify structural and organizational patterns such as cause and effect, comparison/contrast, problem/solution, and chronological order.
- identify specific information in text that supports predictions.
- form opinions and draw conclusions from the selection.
- locate details to support opinions, predictions, and conclusions.
- identify cause and effect relationships following transition words signaling the pattern.
- distinguish between fact and opinion.
- identify, compare, and contrast relationships between characters, events, and facts.
- compare and contrast a firsthand and secondhand account of the same event or topic; describe the differences in focus and the information provided.
- identify new information learned from reading.
- become aware of when they do not understand (e.g., by reflecting upon and articulating what exactly is causing difficulty).
- read familiar text with fluency, accuracy, and prosody.
Virginia Curriculum Framework: Writing
- 5.5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade. a) Identify intended audience. b) Use a variety of prewriting strategies. c) Organize information to convey a central idea. d) Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea. e) Write multiparagraph compositions. f) Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice. g) Vary sentence structure by using transition words. h) Revise for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information. i) Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea.
- 5.5.7.A plan and organize information as they write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade.
- 5.5.7.B use precise, descriptive vocabulary and vary sentence structure as they revise for clarity.
- apply knowledge of the writing domains of composing, written expression, and usage/mechanics.
- produce a clear and coherent written piece in which the development and organization are appropriate to purpose and audience.
- recognize different modes of writing have different patterns of organization
- informative/explanatory
- clearly introduce a topic and group related information in paragraphs
- use facts, definitions, opinions, quotations, details, or other examples and information to develop the topic
- use specific vocabulary to inform and explain the topic; and
- provide a concluding statement or section related to the topic
- narrative
- organize an event sequence that unfolds naturally
- use transition words and phrases for sentence variety and to manage the sequence of events
- use specific vocabulary, words, and phrases to convey experiences and events
- provide a conclusion
- persuasive
- introduce the position
- provide evidence to support the position
- provide points for the opposite side and argue against them
- provide a conclusion.
- create a plan, and organize thoughts before writing.
- use a variety of prewriting strategies (e.g., brainstorming, listing, free-writing, and using graphic organizers).
- focus, organize, and elaborate to construct an effective message for the reader.
- write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
- purposefully shape and control language to demonstrate an awareness of the intended audience.
- select specific information to guide readers more purposefully through the piece.
- write multiparagraph compositions focused on a topic, grouping related information in paragraphs and sections.
- choose precise descriptive vocabulary and information to create tone and voice.
- develop and strengthen writing as needed, in consultation with peers or adults, by prewriting, drafting, revising, editing, or rewriting.
- use narrative techniques, such as dialogue, description, and pacing, to develop experiences or characters.
- use precise language and content-specific vocabulary to inform about or explain a topic, to persuade, describe or entertain.
- include sentences of various lengths and beginnings to create a pleasant, informal rhythm.
- vary sentence structure by using transition words and phrases.
- use precise language and phrases to develop writing (e.g., consequently, specifically, especially).
- clarify writing when revising.
- include supporting details that elaborate the main idea.
- use available technology to gather information and to aid in writing.
- 5.5.8 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing. a) Use plural possessives. b) Use adjective and adverb comparisons. c) Identify and use interjections. d) Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives. e) Use quotation marks with dialogue. f) Use commas to indicate interrupters. g) Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line. h) Edit for fragments and run-on sentences. i) Eliminate double negatives. j) Use correct spelling of commonly used words. k) Identify and use conjunctions.
» A.01: Types Of Sentences - Assessment 1
» A.02: Types Of Sentences - Assessment 2
» A.03: Punctuation In Sentences - Assessment 1
» A.04: Punctuation In Sentences - Assessment 2
» A.05: Review On Sentences
» A.06: Simple Sentences
» B.01: Simple Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.02: Simple Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.03: Complete Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.04: Complete Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.05: Review On Simple And Complete Subject And Predicate
» B.06: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.07: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.08: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 3
» B.09: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 4
» B.10: Review On Subject And Predicate
» C.01: Introduction To Nouns
» C.02: Nouns - Assessment
» C.03: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 1
» C.04: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 2
» C.05: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 3
» C.06: Review On Nouns And Types Of Nouns
» C.07: Collective Noun
» C.08: Abstract Noun
» C.09: Compound Noun
» C.10: Gender Noun
» C.11: Review On Nouns
» D.01: Introduction To Pronouns
» D.02: Pronouns - Assessment
» D.03: Kinds Of Pronouns
» D.04: Kinds Of Pronouns - Assessment
» D.05: Review On Pronouns
» D.06: Personal Pronouns - Introduction
» D.07: Personal Pronouns - Assessment
» D.08: Reflexive Pronouns
» D.09: Reflexive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.10: Review On Personal And Reflexive Pronoun
» D.11: Demonstrative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.12: Demonstrative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.15: Review On Demonstrative And Indefinite Pronouns
» D.16: Interrogative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.17: Interrogative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.17: Interrogative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.18: Distributive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.19: Distributive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.20: Review On Interrogative And Distributive Pronoun
» D.21: Relative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.22: Relative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.23: Intensive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.24: Intensive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.25: Review On Relative And Intensive Pronouns
» D.26: Possessive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.27: Possessive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.29 Reciprocal Pronouns
» D.30: Review On Possessive, Absolute Possessive And Reciprocal Pronouns
» E.01: Adjectives - Introduction
» E.02: Adjectives - Assessment
» E.03: Noun - Adjective Pair
» E.04: Noun - Adjective Pair- Assessment
» E.05: Review On Adjectives
» E.06: Adjectives Of Quality - Introduction
» E.07: Adjectives Of Quality - Assessment
» E.08: Adjectives Of Quantity - Introduction
» E.09: Adjectives Of Quantity - Assessment
» E.10: Review On Adjectives Of Quality And Adjectives Of Quantity
» E.11: Adjectives Of Number-Introduction
» E.12: Types Of Adjectives Of Number
» E.13: Demonstrative Adjectives
» E.14: Interrogative Adjectives
» E.15: Types Of Adjectives
» E.16: Review On Types Of Adjectives
» E.17: Coordinate And Non Coordinate Adjectives
» E.18: Proper Adjectives
» E.19: Collective Adjectives
» F.01: Verbs - Introduction
» F.02: Verbs - Assessment
» F.03: Tenses- Introduction
» F.04: Tenses- Assessment
» F.05: Irregular Verbs
» F.06: Review On Verbs And Tenses
» F.07: Simple Present Tense - Introduction
» F.08: Simple Present Tense - Assessment 1
» F.09: Present Perfect Tense - Introduction
» F.12: Present Continuous Tense- Assessment 1
» H.07: Preposition Of Place
» H.08: Preposition Of Time - Introduction
- 5.5.8.A understand that editing for correct sentence formation, grammar, capitalization, spelling, and punctuation makes the meaning of the writing clearer to the reader.
- 5.5.8.B revise and edit drafts for improvement, using teacher assistance and peer collaboration.
- punctuate correctly
- apostrophes in contractions (e.g., isnt), and possessives (e.g., Jans);
- commas [e.g., items in a series, to set off the words yes and no; and to indicate direct address (e.g., Is that you, Chloe?)];
- quotation marks with dialogue; and
- hyphens to divide words at the end of a line.
- use underlining, quotation marks, or italics to indicate titles of works.
- use adverb comparisons (e.g., fast, faster, fastest).
- use adjective comparisons (e.g., big, bigger, biggest).
- use adverbs instead of adjectives where appropriate, (e.g., "He played really well." instead of "He played real well.").
- use a comma to separate coordinate adjectives (e.g., It was a fascinating, enjoyable movie).
- use a comma to separate an introductory element from the rest of the sentence.
- use plural possessives, (e.g., "The books covers are torn.").
- identify and use interjections (e.g., "Yikes, look at the size of that bug!").
- form and use the perfect (e.g., I had walked; I have walked; I will have walked) verb tenses.
- use verb tense to convey various times, sequences, states, and conditions.
- avoid fragments.
- avoid run-ons, (e.g., I opened the door, the dog went out.).
- eliminate double negatives.
- use correct spelling of commonly used words.
- identify and use conjunctions.
- use technology, including the Internet, to produce, edit and publish writing as well as to interact and collaborate with others.
Virginia Standards of Learning: Writing
- 5.5.7 The student will write for a variety of purposes: to describe, to inform, to entertain, to explain, and to persuade.
- 5.5.7.a Identify intended audience.
- 5.5.7.b Use a variety of prewriting strategies.
- 5.5.7.c Organize information to convey a central idea.
- 5.5.7.d Write a clear topic sentence focusing on the main idea.
- 5.5.7.e Write multiparagraph compositions.
- 5.5.7.f Use precise and descriptive vocabulary to create tone and voice.
- 5.5.7.g Vary sentence structure by using transition words.
- 5.5.7.h Revise for clarity of content using specific vocabulary and information.
- 5.5.7.i Include supporting details that elaborate the main idea.
- 5.5.8 The student will edit writing for correct grammar, capitalization, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraphing.
» A.01: Types Of Sentences - Assessment 1
» A.02: Types Of Sentences - Assessment 2
» A.03: Punctuation In Sentences - Assessment 1
» A.04: Punctuation In Sentences - Assessment 2
» A.05: Review On Sentences
» A.06: Simple Sentences
» B.01: Simple Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.02: Simple Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.03: Complete Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.04: Complete Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.05: Review On Simple And Complete Subject And Predicate
» B.06: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 1
» B.07: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 2
» B.08: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 3
» B.09: Compound Subject And Predicate - Assessment 4
» B.10: Review On Subject And Predicate
» C.01: Introduction To Nouns
» C.02: Nouns - Assessment
» C.03: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 1
» C.04: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 2
» C.05: Types Of Nouns - Assessment 3
» C.06: Review On Nouns And Types Of Nouns
» C.07: Collective Noun
» C.08: Abstract Noun
» C.09: Compound Noun
» C.10: Gender Noun
» C.11: Review On Nouns
» D.01: Introduction To Pronouns
» D.02: Pronouns - Assessment
» D.03: Kinds Of Pronouns
» D.04: Kinds Of Pronouns - Assessment
» D.05: Review On Pronouns
» D.06: Personal Pronouns - Introduction
» D.07: Personal Pronouns - Assessment
» D.08: Reflexive Pronouns
» D.09: Reflexive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.10: Review On Personal And Reflexive Pronoun
» D.11: Demonstrative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.12: Demonstrative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.15: Review On Demonstrative And Indefinite Pronouns
» D.16: Interrogative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.17: Interrogative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.17: Interrogative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.18: Distributive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.19: Distributive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.20: Review On Interrogative And Distributive Pronoun
» D.21: Relative Pronouns - Introduction
» D.22: Relative Pronouns - Assessment
» D.23: Intensive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.24: Intensive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.25: Review On Relative And Intensive Pronouns
» D.26: Possessive Pronouns - Introduction
» D.27: Possessive Pronouns - Assessment
» D.29 Reciprocal Pronouns
» D.30: Review On Possessive, Absolute Possessive And Reciprocal Pronouns
» E.01: Adjectives - Introduction
» E.02: Adjectives - Assessment
» E.03: Noun - Adjective Pair
» E.04: Noun - Adjective Pair- Assessment
» E.05: Review On Adjectives
» E.06: Adjectives Of Quality - Introduction
» E.07: Adjectives Of Quality - Assessment
» E.08: Adjectives Of Quantity - Introduction
» E.09: Adjectives Of Quantity - Assessment
» E.10: Review On Adjectives Of Quality And Adjectives Of Quantity
» E.11: Adjectives Of Number-Introduction
» E.12: Types Of Adjectives Of Number
» E.13: Demonstrative Adjectives
» E.14: Interrogative Adjectives
» E.15: Types Of Adjectives
» E.16: Review On Types Of Adjectives
» E.17: Coordinate And Non Coordinate Adjectives
» E.18: Proper Adjectives
» E.19: Collective Adjectives
» F.01: Verbs - Introduction
» F.02: Verbs - Assessment
» F.03: Tenses- Introduction
» F.04: Tenses- Assessment
» F.05: Irregular Verbs
» F.06: Review On Verbs And Tenses
» F.07: Simple Present Tense - Introduction
» F.08: Simple Present Tense - Assessment 1
» F.09: Present Perfect Tense - Introduction
» F.12: Present Continuous Tense- Assessment 1
» H.07: Preposition Of Place
» H.08: Preposition Of Time - Introduction
- 5.5.8.a Use plural possessives.
- 5.5.8.b Use adjective and adverb comparisons.
- 5.5.8.c Identify and use interjections.
- 5.5.8.d Use apostrophes in contractions and possessives.
- 5.5.8.e Use quotation marks with dialogue.
- 5.5.8.f Use commas to indicate interrupters.
- 5.5.8.g Use a hyphen to divide words at the end of a line.
- 5.5.8.h Edit for fragments and run-on sentences.
- 5.5.8.i Eliminate double negatives.
- 5.5.8.j Use correct spelling of commonly used words.
- 5.5.8.k Identify and use conjunctions.