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Common Core

Skills available for Common Core third-grade math standards

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Operations and Algebraic Thinking.

Represent and solve problems involving multiplication and division.

Understand properties of multiplication and the relationship between multiplication and division.

Multiply and divide within 100
  • CC.3.OA.7 Fluently multiply and divide within 100, using strategies such as the relationship between multiplication and division (e.g., knowing that 8 × 5 = 40, one knows 40 ÷ 5 = 8) or properties of operations. By the end of Grade 3, know from memory all products of one-digit numbers.
  •    » H.18: Relationship between multiplication and division

Solve problems involving the four operations, and identify and explain patterns in arithmetic.

Number and Operations in Base Ten

Use place value understanding and properties of operations to perform multi-digit arithmetic.

Number and Operations—Fractions

Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.
  • CC.3.NF.1 Understand a fraction 1/b as the quantity formed by 1 part when a whole is partitioned into b equal parts; understand a fraction a/b as the quantity formed by a parts of size 1/b. (Grade 3 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.)
  •    » K.01: Introduction to fraction - Skills to maintain
       » K.04: Fraction terms - Skills to maintain
       » K.05: Review fraction concept
       » K.14: Fractions of a number
       » K.16: Review fractions of a number and fraction comparison
       » L.06: Compare fractions using pictures - Assessment 1
       » L.07: Compare fractions using pictures - Assessment 2
       » L.08: Simple story problems on fractions - Assessment 12
       » L.09: Simple story problems on fractions - Assessment 2
       » L.10: Review on fractions
       » J.09: Fraction story problems
       » K.02: Writing fractions
       » H.01: Find numerator or denominator of the fraction
  • CC.3.NF.2 Understand a fraction as a number on the number line; represent fractions on a number line diagram. (Grade 3 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.)
    • CC.3.NF.2a Represent a fraction 1/b on a number line diagram by defining the interval from 0 to 1 as the whole and partitioning it into b equal parts. Recognize that each part has size 1/b and that the endpoint of the part based at 0 locates the number 1/b on the number line. (Grade 3 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.)
    • CC.3.NF.2b Represent a fraction a/b on a number line diagram by marking off a lengths 1/b from 0. Recognize that the resulting interval has size a/b and that its endpoint locates the number a/b on the number line. (Grade 3 expectations in this domain are limited to fractions with denominators 2, 3, 4, 6, and 8.)

Develop understanding of fractions as numbers.

Measurement and Data

Solve problems involving measurement and estimation of intervals of time, liquid volumes, and masses of objects

Represent and interpret data.
  • CC.3.MD.3 Draw a scaled picture graph and a scaled bar graph to represent a data set with several categories. Solve one- and two-step “how many more” and “how many less” problems using information presented in scaled bar graphs. For example, draw a bar graph in which each square in the bar graph might represent 5 pets.
  • CC.3.MD.4 Generate measurement data by measuring lengths using rulers marked with halves and fourths of an inch. Show the data by making a line plot, where the horizontal scale is marked off in appropriate units—whole numbers, halves, or quarters.
  •    » N.01: Measuring length
       » N.02: Estimate and measure length in inches and half inches

Geometric measurement: understand concepts of area and relate area to multiplication and to addition.
  • CC.3.MD.5 Recognize area as an attribute of plane figures and understand concepts of area measurement. -- a. A square with side length 1 unit, called “a unit square,” is said to have “one square unit” of area, and can be used to measure area. -- b. A plane figure which can be covered without gaps or overlaps by n unit squares is said to have an area of n square units.
  •    » O.14: Area of squares and rectangless
  • CC.3.MD.6 Measure areas by counting unit squares (square cm, square m, square in, square ft, and improvised units).
  •    » O.12: Area of irregular figures
       » O.18: Review on area, perimeter and volume
  • CC.3.MD.7 Relate area to the operations of multiplication and addition.
    • CC.3.MD.7a Find the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths by tiling it, and show that the area is the same as would be found by multiplying the side lengths.
    • CC.3.MD.7b Multiply side lengths to find areas of rectangles with whole-number side lengths in the context of solving real world and mathematical problems, and represent whole-number products as rectangular areas in mathematical reasoning.
    • CC.3.MD.7c Use tiling to show in a concrete case that the area of a rectangle with whole-number side lengths a and b + c is the sum of a × b and a × c. Use area models to represent the distributive property in mathematical reasoning.
    • CC.3.MD.7d Recognize area as additive. Find areas of rectilinear figures by decomposing them into non-overlapping rectangles and adding the areas of the non-overlapping parts, applying this technique to solve real world problems.

Geometric measurement: recognize perimeter as an attribute of plane figures and distinguish between linear and area measures.
  • CC.3.MD.8 Solve real world and mathematical problems involving perimeters of polygons, including finding the perimeter given the side lengths, finding an unknown side length, and exhibiting rectangles with the same perimeter and different area or with the same area and different perimeter.


Reason with shapes and their attributes.
  • CC.3.G.1 Understand that shapes in different categories (e.g., rhombuses, rectangles, and others) may share attributes (e.g., having four sides), and that the shared attributes can define a larger category (e.g., quadrilaterals). Recognize rhombuses, rectangles, and squares as examples of quadrilaterals, and draw examples of quadrilaterals that do not belong to any of these subcategories.
  •    » R.01: Open and Closed shapes
       » R.02: Regular and Irregular polygons
       » R.03: Making 3-dimensional figures
  • CC.3.G.2 Partition shapes into parts with equal areas. Express the area of each part as a unit fraction of the whole. For example, partition a shape into 4 parts with equal area, and describe the area of each part is 1/4 of the area of the shape.

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